Rules and Positive Expectations


Rules Encourage Teamwork!

We are:





and Ready to Learn!


Image result for class dojo parent loginImage result for class dojoOur class uses Class Dojo to keep track of positive behavior used in groups! Each week students compete to earn the most points to be able to leave first for all activities and extra goodies!



Parent Involvement

Parents! Get Updated information Day by Day! 
Use the information sent home to conect to my class!

Parent Log-In


Image result for class dojo


Class Motto:

We are Kind

We Respect

We Forgive

We Watch out for Others

We Work Hard

We are Ready to Learn!


We recite our class motto each day.
We recite this motto when we need reminders.
We remind each other of class motto throughout the day.
This helps our class culture understand expectations and stay consistent.