

How will we learn in our class?  

We will learn in EVERYWAY we can!

Douglas Brown, Professor Emeritus at San Francisco and the author of Teaching by Principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy, taught that we learn language by listening to the teacher, text, materials, other students, and self-learning. His theory that we have more than one way of learning is brought into my classroom lessons, and I offer my students each standard in a variety of ways. 

This means that I will teach you each subject in a variety of ways. This includes teaching using hands on projects, manipulatives, reading, writing, visuals, singing, movements and anything else we can think of to get in learning!  

Similarly, assessment is also done a variety of ways: group discussion, essays, comic strips, slide shows, video presentations, dramas, posters... Let students be creative and show off what they have learned! 



About my mentor

A mentor that I value and have learned so much from is Angela Watson, founder of the 40 hour teacher workweek club, that I have invested into and cannot live without. I first found out about her by listening to a podcast for teachers and soon fell in love with her inspiration. She had 11 years experience teaching and 7 years as a coach. Then she loved coaching so much that she has now spread her coaching online to inspire teachers worldwide. I love her calm, creative and simple approach to teaching. She reminds me that I am making a difference, and every small change I make in my stratagies only makes me better each time.